Volunteer Information
Our organization would be nothing without the wonderful community members who volunteer their time and skills to help our animals.

There are many ways to volunteer, please read about the application process below!
- Register
Please secure your username and password by registering with us. This will help you form a central location to track information related to our organization, ranging from getting alerts when specific breeds become available, learning when about volunteer opportunities, and keeping up-to-date with the latest Diamond in the Ruff Rescue news!
- Complete the application.
Fill out an application. This is how you inform the rescue what kind of volunteering you are looking to do and also how the rescue finds out about you and what kind of skills you have. Please provide references that will be able to speak to what kind of volunteering you are hoping to do and your level of responsibility and commitment. Also, the speed of your application processing often depends on how quickly your references are able to speak with us, so letting them know we are going to be calling is a good idea.
- Wait.
We’re all volunteers and we work our hardest to make things move quickly, but we know how it can be frustrating when you don’t hear back right away. We take the time to contact your references and match up your volunteering hopes with what we have to offer. Please be patient with us as we work through your application. If you have not heard back from us a week after you submitted your application, please email Volunteer@diamondpetrescue.org.
- Volunteer opportunities and ways to help.
There are many ways to volunteer! Some opportunities include fostering, reference checking, helping with pre-adoption meetings, transporting animals, assisting at events, and fundraising. Please see all open volunteer positions at Giving Hearts Day. Other ways to help the animals include donating, re-sharing information on Facebook and Twitter, and promoting adoption of homeless animals.
Please note that one-time volunteers are not required to register on our site. However, one-time volunteers must acknowledge and submit the volunteer waiver.